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Fundamental principles of prescribing slideshare. Human being always sort some protection from such risks .

  • Fundamental principles of prescribing slideshare - Minimize cost. The human body is involved in a constant process of adapting to stresses or lack 6. pptx - Download as a PDF or view online for free (CME) programs influence prescribing patterns. Receptor Interaction • Affinity- degree to which a drug binds with a receptor • The drug with the best “fit” or affinity will elicit the best response • Drug can mimic body’s endogenous substances that normally bind to receptor site • Drugs that bind to receptors interact with receptors in different ways to either block or elicit a response 7. There are some fundamental principles, according to which all ayurvedi medicines are prepared. Thalidomide Tragedy A classic example of Case-control study • A classic example of a case-control study was the discovery of the relationship between thalidomide and limb defects in babies born in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1959 and 1960. edu. Types of Prescription Pre-compounding prescription Extemporaneous (Impromptu) prescription It is the prescription that contain drugs available in pre- compounded form and is dispensed as it is. A form of energy generated by friction, induction or chemical 4. Prof. 1 mg, nor 100 mcg This document discusses the basic principles of pharmacology, including pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Dr Sanjeewani Fonseka Department of Pharmacology. Law of Similia 2. 8 mg i. • Add crystal violet and let stand for 1 minute. Microorganisms can be seen only with 5. DATE: It helps a pharmacist to find out the date of prescribing and date of presentation for filing the prescrption . Rogers 3. The principles include squash and stretch, anticipation, staging, straight ahead and pose-to-pose, follow through and overlapping action, slow in and slow out, arcs, secondary action, timing, exaggeration, solid drawing, and appeal. • Prescription should contain sufficient information to permit a pharmacist or a nurse to discover possible errors before the drug is dispensed or administered. Further it develops understanding of fundamental principles of prescribing in students. Working from the power / comfort / handshake zone ensures that you are working from proper heights and reaches, which reduces MSD risk factors and allows for more efficient and pain The fundamental "module" of the Modulor is a six-foot man, allegedly based on the usual height of the detectives in the English crime novels Corbusier enjoyed 64. State the nursing philosophy. MODEL PRESCRIPTION FORMAT (MCI) Dr. Objectives • Define the principles of appropriate empiric antimicrobial use • Consider patient and epidemiologic factors when prescribing antimicrobials • Utilize clinical and laboratory data to reassess the appropriateness of antimicrobial therapy throughout the course of the patient’s illness 2 5. INTRODUCTION TO PHARMACOLOGY • Pharma=Drugs, Logos = Knowledge (Pharmacology = The study or science of drugs) • Pharmacology: It is the science of drugs derived from two Greek words: Pharmakon (Greek word for drugs) and logos (the Greek word for science). - Ultrasound is produced by a transducer that converts electrical signals to sound waves and reflected Principles of toxicology - Download as a PDF or view online for free Being a basic drug it is partitioned to the acid gastric juice, ionizes there and does not diffuse back into blood. Objective: Understand the role of compounding Pharmacists dispensing & in practice Able to resolve problems of making preparations-specific preparations Applying the techniques of solving problems related to the administrative aspects, and clinical farmasetis in the giving of drugs on patients Apply the dose determination based on the patient's condition, the 3. It also discusses permutations and factorial notation. Designing Elements and Principles proves to be an analyzing frame for the designers. Pharmacotherapeutics- It deals with the relative effects of drugs in human systems for various disorders. 1. Principles of Drug Administration • RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE NURSE • The Rights of drug administration – The three checks of drug administration that the nurse uses in conjunction with the five rights help to 3. An insurer is a company selling the insurance. • The study, done in 1961, compared affected children with normal children. Life is full of uncertainties due to different types of risk like death accident , loss of health and property ,floods and so on. Half life of many drugs are prolonged due to reduced hepatic 2. Aims of nurse prescribing: The proposed prescriptive role of nurse practitioners - Enables nurse practitioners to provide high clinical standards and meet the patients’ needs - Provides the prescribers with legal constraints Principles and process of prescribing British pharmacological society recommends the following ten principles of prescribing 1. Quantum Mechanics is one of the most remarkable discoveries of contemporary sciences over the last 8. iii. FITT 3. Module 5 : Medication History. AYURVEDA – FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES THRIDOSHA(Bio-Energy) THEORY These 5 elements combines with each other to give rise to three Functional biostatic energies in the body Responsible for all the biological , physiological and psychological functions of body and mind. An introductory course to teach the students basic principles of DI retrieval. Methods for isolating pure Principles of Homeopathy • Every science has certain fundamental principles which guide the whole system. staphylococci, pneumococci etc. A clinical approach for rational prescribing is then outlined, including confirming the presence of an infection, selecting agents based on patient factors and tissue penetration, and 4. ) – more hygienic - Obtain good base adaptation - better stress distribution; use altered cast for mandibular distal extensions - Use what is present (e. 10. Principles of Design Proportions & Scales The Modulor was, however, as arbitrary as any human measurement: its six-foot basis was plucked out of the air, there was no reason the Modulor 2. The word Bhaishajya Kalpana is composed of two words – Bhaishajya and Kalpana. These are 8. The process to make any changes is very cumbersome If these rights are violated by any individual, corporate body or any arm of the State, the affected party can go to 10 The steps of prescribing • This six-step approach to prescribing suggests that the physician should • (1) evaluate and clearly define the patient's problem; • (2) specify the therapeutic objective; • (3) select the appropriate drug therapy; • (4) initiate therapy with appropriate details and consider nonpharmacologic therapies 39. Cont. pdf) or read online for free. • Tooth was cavitated ; referred to as a cavity. The essential medicine list contains limited cost-effective 19. o Assume any new symptoms may be due to drug side- effects. Objectives: - To know definition of a drug - To know This document provides an overview of fundamental microbiology principles including definitions of microbiology and microorganisms. g. Ethical principles such as autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice should also guide ethical decision-making. When preparing to administer a drug, medical assistants must pay close attention to dose, route, form and follow rules like preparing in a well-lit area, properly 2. Osler introduced the German postgraduate training system, instituting one year of general internship followed by several years 2. • Affected tooth was repaired; cutting or preparation of remaining tooth was referred to as a cavity preparation. Nurse practitioners must work within their professional codes of conduct and reflect on professional responsibility and accountability. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF INSURANCE Principle of Uberrimae Fides ( Utmost Good Faith) – A positive duty voluntarily to disclose, accurately and fully, all facts material to the risk being proposed, whether Prescription - Download as a PDF or view online for free. General principles for prescribing in elderly o Think about the necessity for drugs. . To quote directly from the document itself: “A socialist economic system shall be 7. Ten Principles of Good Prescribing Download this resource as a printable two-page poster. • Step i : Define the diagnosis • Step ii : Specify the therapeutic objective • Step iii : Make an inventory of effective groups of drugs • Step iv : Choose an effective group according to criteria: efficacy, safety, suitability and Chapter 2 Basic principles of prescribing. This zone is where the arms and back can lift the most with the least amount of effort. Terminology Pharmacology is the study of the action or effect of chemical substances on living systems. U. Module 16 : Adverse Drug Reactions – Management and Prevention. “Principles of management are to a manager as a table of strengths of materials is to a civil engineer. Rational Use of Drugs Rational means “based on or in accordance with reason or logic” “Rational use of drug means the right drug for the right patient, in the right dose, at right time, by the right route and should Principles of Antimicrobial prescribing Dr Priscilla Rupali MD; DTM&H; FRCP Department of Infectious Diseases Christian Medical College Vellore. The basic theory on which hydrotherapy is based are as follows: I. Homeopathy as a science of medical treatment has a philosophy of its own and its therapeutics is based on certain fundamental principles. teaching John Maxwell’s principles of leadership . The insured, or policyholder, is the person or entity buying the insurance 7. The principles of how people make decisions are that people face tradeoffs, opportunity costs are what is given up, people Kidney disease is an increasingly common comorbidity that alters the pharmacokinetics of many drugs. INTRODUCTION [3] There are many benefits of green buildings like: Green Buildings consume 40 - 50 % less energy and 20 - 30 % less water than normal buildings. The basic rights of an individual to live life with safety and security. 3 Vishvajitsinh Bhati 1. This online course has been designed as per the Specific Learning Objectives (SLOs) of the MCI curriculum. e. Fredrick Wohler's rejected the vital force theory. • Observation: If stain appears a deep violet or purple black, then they are called as gram-positive bacteria. NAME,AGE,SEX & ADRESS OF THE PATIENT : Name, age and sex of the patient must be written on the 3. o Check Compliance. S. BLACK BOX WARNING Prescribing information sometimes contains a black box warning to warn physicians about potentially important safety 12. DMC/R/2204 Medicine O. • Definition of terms • School - is an educational institution, private and public undertaking educational operation with a specific age-group of pupils or students pursuing defined studies at defined levels, receiving instruction from teachers, usually located in a building or a group of building in a particular physical or cyber site. Health care providers should discuss with patients, family members and/or patients' carers these potential risks and benefits. 6. To remove unabsorbed poison from the body:- Following measures should be taken for the removal of unabsorbed poisons entered by different routes a) poisons entered through nose b) poison entered through contact with skin , eye, or wound. What is a politicalconstitutionThe fundamental law, written or unwritten, that establishes the character of a government by defining the basic principles to which a society must conform; by describing the organization of the government and regulation, distribution, and limitations on the functions of different government departments; and by prescribing the extent fundamental principles of prescribing - Free download as PDF File (. Basic principles of compounding and dispensing: Containers and closures for dispensed products Prepared By: Md. Module 6 : Formulation and appropriate Route of Administration Module 15 : Basic Principles of Adverse Drug Reactions. Clarity of Homoeopathic concepts First and foremost milestone There has to be a clear understanding of the concepts of the Law of Similia, Single remedy, and Minimum dose as promulgated by Dr. Specific objectives: At the end of the lecture/discussion students should be able to; Define nurse, nursing, nursing practice and fundamentals of nursing. write 100 micrograms, not 0. We recommend that health care professionals MAEd Report - Paras 6 Uses of Principles in School Administration And Supervision 1. When selecting your P-drugs you may need to revise some of the basic principles of pharmacology, which are summarized in Principles of prescribing Surgical chemoprophylaxis: Depends on the type of procedure to be performed and are as follows: • (i) clean: those that do not open body cavities, not associated with inflamed tissue • (ii) clean-contaminated: involve the opening of body cavities like GIT or GU tract • (iii) contaminated: procedures involving acute inflammation or visible wound 3. • Smear is dried by passing small flam. The importance of a structured approach is demonstrated with reference to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society competency fundamental to practising professionally, and are guided by the Code (NMC 2018c). It discusses 10 principles: (1) the body heals itself, (2) the main cause of disease is enervation or fatigue of the nervous system, (3) the deposit of metabolic waste products in the body is what causes disease, (4) acute disease is a remedial process by which the body heals itself, (5) 6. Nurses assigned in the geriatric unit are alarmed about the increasing incidence of bedsores The document discusses counting principles and permutations. So leadership is a learnable skill . Hall (1962) Coined the term “nursing process” Nsg center on 3 components: CARE, CORE, & CURE Levine (1966) 4 conservation principles: Conserve client energy, structural, personal, & social integrity Johnson (1968) Behavior system model: 7 Basic Needs; security, nurturance, nourishment, elimination, achievement, self-protection, sex. It also discusses remedies for The document provides guidance on basic web design principles and elements. 11/07/2024 PRINCIPLES OF MEDICAL ETHICS AUTONOMY › Ensures the right for every person to make life choices based on their own values and beliefs, without any external coercion › Respects the right for self determination › Obtaining informed consent is critical to safeguarding autonomy › Can be restricted by competing ethical principles e. o Take a careful drug history. wheat, vegetables etc Monopolistic competition Many buyers and sellers who trade over a range of prices Oligopolistic competition Few sellers who are highly sensitive to each other Chapter 1 Introduction: principles of good prescribing One of the ways to ensure good prescribing is to use a frame-work such as the one described in Box 1. Whether you are pre-registration or undertaking a prescribing course, this book is your perfect introduction to the world of nurse prescribing. Basic Principles of Electricity Jayson Magnaye-JericCantillana-Althea Enriquez-Analyn Pilea-Ailyn Reformado- Jamaica Alba-Kim Borromeo- ArvilVillanueva 2. Prescribing to patients with kidney disease requires knowledge about the drug, the extent of the patient's altered physiology, and pharmacokinetic principles that influence the design of dosing regim Fundamental Principles of Political Science:Introduction - Download as a PDF or view online for free The 12 Principles of Animation were developed by Disney animators to make animation more realistic and appealing. Imran Nur Manik; M. The decision to prescribe a pharmacological treatment must take into consideration the potential risks and benefits to each individual patient. C As with younger patients, it is important to recognise that patients may be taking OTC or complementary preparations which could interact with prescribed agents. They establish welfare state 5. Medicines are used safely and effectively so that consumers get the best possible health outcomes. It refers to the study of origin, chemical structure, preparation, administration, action, metabolism and excretion of drugs. It begins with introducing the concept of medical ethics, its importance and branches. Specific antidote: Naloxone 0. Designed to help students. Accountability for This document provides an overview of medical ethics and its principles. P. Samuel Hahnemann Clear understanding of the fine nuances of these principles will only pave way for an effective homoeo- therapy 3/25/2009 Essentials of 1. Dose-Response Relationships • Fundamental relationship that brings together the dose of a chemical and the resulting effect. Two basic approaches; Picture Matching, or “Aunt Minnie” method. 1 , which is based on the World Health Organization Guide to Good Prescribing. Read less An Introduction to Prescribing. (b) Principle of Permissiveness: 2. As you develop With millions of uploads, SlideShare offers endless opportunities to expand your knowledge of health and medicine. 5. It also outlines five foundational principles of finance, including that cash flow matters, money has time value, risk requires reward, market prices are generally right, and conflicts of interest cause agency problems. prescription is the final deciding thing for the illness patient increase in number of new drugs. The current one is the 22nd model list released in 2021 and contains 479 medications. monitoring outcomes, minimising misuse, over-use and under-use, and improving people’s ability to solve problems related to medication, such as negative effects or managing multiple medications. These are measuring rods to judge the achievements of the Government 4. Essential Drug Concept Drugs those satisfy the healthcare needs of the majority of the population. It is the study of the actions of drugs on living system. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for payment. OVERLOAD: • A safe and effective training program is one that progressively overloads the body and allows adequate time for adaptation to each level of stimulation • The key is to find the upper limit and the lower limit. Urea is an organic compound(NH2)2CO) which is naturally obtained from urine of mammals. Narinder Bhalla Lead Pharmacist – Clinical Governance Addenbrooke’s NHS Trust November 2006. designing for continued use of RPD framework if a critical abutment is lost; 24. Higher frequencies provide better resolution but shallower penetration. Law of Minimum Dose 4. Date: - it helps a pharmacist to find out the date of prescribing and date of prescription for filling the prescription. Progression Prescribing in Geriatrics - Download as a PDF or view online for free GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1. It introduces the fundamental principle of counting, which states that if one event has m possible outcomes and a second event has n possible outcomes, the total number of outcomes when performing both events is m × n. The head nurse invited the nursing scholars to discuss the modalities of nursing applicable to the ward set-up. A working Basic Principles of Pharmacology. Basic Principles of Counseling Process According to Mc Daniel and Shaftal, the counseling process is based on some basic principles: (a) Principle of Acceptance: According to this principle, each client must the accepted as an individual and dealt with as such. If refills are not to be allowed, it should be clearly documented 9. o Think about the dose. Law of Simplex 3. Resistant Strains Rare Resistant Strains 2. Introduction • Prescription is actually a direct link between physician, pharmacist & patient. ” Types of Market Pure competition Many buyers and many seller trading in a uniform commodity e. New Resistant Bacteria Emergence of Antimicrobial Resistance Resistant Bacteria Susceptible Bacteria Resistance Gene Transfer. . • Tilt the slide slightly and gently rinse with tap . History. ) Page 2 manikrupharmacy@gmail. In addition, the test items that are the samples of the subject being tested and variation in the samples may be found in two equivalent tests and there can be one of the 2. The purpose of individual physiotherapist prescribing is to support and enhance the SUMMARY Basic principles for cautious opioid prescribing Opioids do NOT have proven efficacy and safety for treating chronic pain Opioids are powerful drugs and should be reserved for serious pain Chronic pain is never simple – approach holistically Measurement based care is the new gold standard Chronic opioid therapy is not a simple solution; expect it to be Chapter 4 provides the theoretical model with some critical considerations, and summarizes the process. Overload 2. Jacobson et al,” American Society of Clinical Oncology/Oncology Nursing Society Chemotherapy 7. Staining procedure is similar to gram-positive. The Overload Principle is probably the most important principle of exercise and training. DENTAL RADIOGRAPHY • Dental Radiography, is a Radiographic procedure that is used or employed to take images of the teeth, bones, and soft tissues around them, in order to identify, diagnose, plan treatments and monitor both treatments and lesion development. 1. What is prescribing? Responsibilities of the prescriber Good prescribing Including Fundamentals of Prescribing Module DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to enable students to acquire understanding of Pharmacodynamics,Pharmacokinetics, principles of therapeutics & nursing implications. Thermodynamics is the study of energy in living systems. Ayurveda includes instructions to maintain good health as well as These Principles are directives for the States 2. It discusses key topics such as classes of antimicrobial agents based on their mechanism of action and targets, pharmacokinetic principles for dosing, types and goals of antimicrobial therapy including prophylaxis, empirical and definitive treatment. Prescribing is the main approach to the treatment and prevention of disease in modern healthcare. Different mechanisms of action for various classes of antimicrobials are described. To use antidotes :- These are the 10. The word Bhaishajya means – relating to Bheshaja (medicine). A designer can express his thought & intentions with the elements of design and does it effectively along with the design principles, 11. •A growing movement among physicians is attempting to diminish the influence of pharmaceutical industry marketing upon medical practice, as evidenced by Stanford University's ban on drug company- sponsored The basic principles outlined by GV Black include biologic, mechanical, and esthetic principles. Dr. General Principles - Minimize framework elements (minimize minor connectors, plating, etc. Gram-negative staining: i. An effective administrator applies these principles and uses a democratic rather than autocratic leadership style. Prescription for controlled drugs must (e. It outlines 7 principles for effective web design: 1) use a consistent visual language, 2) maintain balance, 3) limit choices to avoid overwhelming users, 4) focus on high-quality content, 5) simplify designs, 6) use a grid-based layout, and 7) optimize page load times. Resistance and retention forms are designed to resist forces and PRINCIPLES OF CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY - Download as a PDF or view online for free Ltd • Guidelines for the Safe Prescribing, Dispensing and Administration of Cancer Chemotherapy “Clinical Oncological society of Australia” Nov. Principles are fundamental in Introduction to antibiotics // basic principles - Download as a PDF or view online for free Scope of Antibiotic Prescribing • 2nd most commonly prescribed drug class in U. Submit Search. Bohlooli, Pharm. DO NOT abbreviate micro/ nanograms; since that can lead to Prescribing errors. PANCHAMAHABHUTA: • The creation of five element and the physical body - Before causation takes place there was nothing except God or The document outlines the key principles of surgery, including developing a surgical diagnosis through thorough history and examination, maintaining aseptic technique, proper tissue handling, hemostasis, and 9. This document provides an overview of general principles of psychopharmacology. The main steps are 1) outline form, 2) resistance and retention form, 3) convenience form, 4) removal of remaining caries, 5) finishing cavity walls, and 6) toilet of the cavity. INSURANCE Insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss. An ethical theory provides reasons or norms for judging acts to be right or wrong and attempts to give a justification. • These are: 1. o Use fixed combinations of drugs rarely. • School Heads - are persons What is the Fundamental Counting Principle?The rule for finding the number of possible outcomesStates that if an event has “m” possible outcomes and another independent even has “n” possible outcomes, then there aremn (m times n) possible outcomes of the two events together. Pharmacodynamics- it is the The document provides an overview of general pharmacology concepts including definitions of pharmacology and drugs. Module 17 : Adverse Drug Reaction - Reporting. • Prescription is an order written by a physician, 5. c) poison entered through injection. Renewal instructions/ Refill It is a part of Signa and contains number of refills permitted for the patient (written on the left at bottom) Refills are important in chronic diseases Where the physician feels that the visit may not be of any use and the patient would be required to continue the same treatment. A prescription is a written order from a medical practitioner to a pharmacist for medicines to be prepared and provided to a patient. -It gives the information about the name of the drug (generic or trade name), its formulation and unit dosage. Suheil Zmeili Faculty of Medicine Department of Pharmacology University of Jordan E-mail: szmeili@ju. com; Lecturer; Department of 2. that’s what the John Maxwell Team specializes in . Understand and be able to explain the Principles ofUnderstand and be able to explain the Principles of Training – Individual needs; progressive overload,Training – Individual needs; progressive overload, specificity, rest 2. Recommended Dietary Allowance(RDA) Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA): represents quantities of the nutrients to be provided in the diet daily for maintaining good health and physical efficiency of the body . d) poison entered through mouth. It discusses key topics including: - Psychopharmacology is the study of how drugs affect the nervous system and behavior. The chronic abscess respond poorly, although chemotherapy cover is essential if surgery is undertaken to avoid a flare-up of infection. Introduction Medication non adherence ( noncompliance) remains a major problem. The document discusses three main points: 1) It summarizes the first and second laws of thermodynamics as they apply to biological systems - the first law states 8. Introduction Bhaishajya kalpana Importance of bhaishajya kalpana Qualities of bheshaja/dravya Collection of drug Panchabhoutikata Dosh dharu mal vichar Paribhasha Mana Aushadhi dravya visheshta Nirmit The consultation is a fundamental part of the prescribing process and the prescriber must understand and utilize this to help them practice effectively. For hierarchy, it outlines the meaning, definitions from various scholars, basic features, advantages, and disadvantages. Describe the multidisciplinary health care team in the hospital and 3. By diving into our vast collection of health ppts, you’ll learn to collaborate with colleagues, make more informed decisions, and ultimately provide higher quality care that improves patient Basic Principle of Fitness - Download as a PDF or view online for free Principles of FitnessTraining 1. 8. Pharm. State patient details clearly (name, address, date of birth, age (children/elderly) Take account of any allergies (yellow card if newly reported) Use generic drug names ; State drug, dose, strength, route and This ppt deals about basic information of prescription module why we need to study, why the nurses in need of writing prescription. Washed with water & observe the Principles of antimicrobial - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Read less 4. • Prescription is accompanied by direction for pharmacist and for patient. Objectives. The counselor should give, due regard to the rights of the client. Prescriptions have been in use since ancient times Latin adopted as standard language “Rx” = prescription. Limitation in communication between the physician and the therapist can be eliminated only by using the same principles in prescription writing. moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. It discusses the goal of the firm to maximize shareholder wealth. It describes bacteria and viruses, comparing their structures. It discusses the objectives of studying pharmacology and defines key terms like receptors, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, drug sources, nomenclature, dosage forms, and routes of drug administration with a focus on oral, They must understand pharmacology principles, fundamentals of administration including various routes, dosage calculations, and the seven rights of medication administration. INTRODUCTION Principles of curriculum development and instruction form the base on which the entire school program rests. • Accounts for ≈ 20% of typical hospital pharmacy budget Fridkin S Rational drug prescribing to essential drugs - Download as a PDF or view online for free The same principles applied to the laboratory, and all students were expected to do some work in the bacteriology laboratory. Plus, you’ll gain access to insider perspectives you won’t find anywhere else. The power zone for lifting is close to the body, between mi-thigh and mid-chest height. D, PhD. ” The utility of principles lies in the foundation they provide for its efficient conduct, by making out the basic features that must characterize the practice for management irrespective of where it is occurring. Start with a low dose, & titrate the medication dose slowly. Continue. Sample Research Problems A nurse who had been in the emergency room for ten years learned that orienting the patient to hospital set-up reduces anxiety. v. For eg. Chapter 5 describes the difference between P-drug and P-treatment: not all health problems need treatment with drugs. 12, Vardhaman Hospital, Delhi – 92 Phone : 011-22775035, Email : Shashank. o Think about drug formulation. 2008 • Joseph O. The contribution of economics to managerial economics lies in certain principles which are basic to managerial economics. - Minimize risk. o Avoid drugs with negligible or doubtful benefits. Foundation & principles of Bioethics. • The Radiographers practicing dental radiography are called Dental Radiographers and 3. Legal knowledge is essential for This document provides an overview of basic ultrasound principles including: - Ultrasound is a mechanical wave with a frequency over 20 kHz used for medical imaging. Human being always sort some protection from such risks . Wohler's work He prepared urea (organic compound) from ammonium cyanate (Inorganic compound) by heating. Insurance is answer to these types of risks and uncertainties . Rational Prescribing & Prescription Writing Collected and Prepared By S. Introduction Overview of Biochemical Engineering – Biochemical engineering, also known as bioprocess engineering, is a field of study that deals with the design, construction, and advancement of unit processes that involve biological organisms or biomolecules – It has various applications in areas such as biofuels, food, feed, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and 4. 4. Principles of drugs prescribing in elderly • Avoid prescribing prior to diagnosis • Start with a low dose • Avoid starting 2 agents at the same time • Reach therapeutic dose before switching or adding agents • Consider non 8. Gram Stain Procedure • Bacteria are taken and carefully placed in dry, clean glass dry slide called as smear. p@gmail. The interval of administration of drugs should also be adhered to because it is important for many drugs that the blood concentration is not allowed to fall below a given level and for others two successive doses The National Patient Safety Agency revealed that medication errors in all care settings in the United Kingdom occurred in each stage of the medication treatment process, with 16% errors occurring in the prescribing, 2. Markets “ The set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service. prescribing behaviour of their clinical teachers, or existing standard treatment guidelines, without explanation as to why certain treatments are chosen. Tazocin® should be prescribed as Piperacillin/ Tazobactam – the brand name does not clearly indicate the drug is a penicillin 4. Be clear about the reasons for prescribing Establish an accurate diagnosis whenever Good prescribing has four components. Lay down the foundation of Economic Democracy 3. In order to avoid the extortion of wealth and economic imbalance, these have been taken as fundamental principles of state policy. Composition- • 8-12 members – multidisciplinary. Indications of palliative care: (a) patients with conditions that are progressive and life-limiting, especially if characterized by burdensome symptoms, functional decline, and progressive cognitive deficits; (b) assistance in clarification or reorientation of patient/ family goals of care; (c) assistance in resolution of ethical dilemmas; (d) situations in which a authors todemonstrate the application of key prescribing practice principles. Much more, The document outlines 10 fundamental principles of economics divided into 3 categories: how people make decisions, how people interact, and how the economy as a whole works. repeated every 2–3 min till respiration picks up, is the specific antagonist of choice because it acts 13. The WHO has developed the first essential medicines list in 1977 and since then the list has been revised every 2 years. Professional integrity is an important element to be integrated in making ethical decisions. Inscription: -Main part of the prescription. This definition of QUM applies equally to decisions about Describing a skill in a logical fashion Fundamental elements / components Evaluating performance how related anatomical & mechanical principles occur and/or have been violated. • 5% of world’s population but nearly 50% of worldwide antibiotic use in the U. It covers topics such as absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, receptor theory, dose response curves, and therapeutic indices. Use or Lose 3. Main factors responsible for formation,existence and distinction Balance 2. principles of prescribing at any time 40-50% of adults take prescribed medicine. This involves trying to match the radiographic image with a mental picture or with an image in a favorite textbook Limitations, the observer’s experience and memory and the appearance of different abnormalities Also, figures in a textbook usually represent the most ideal examples of the 4. No. Including Fundamentals of Prescribing Module DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to enable students to acquire understanding of Pharmacodynamics,Pharmacokinetics, principles of therapeutics & nursing implications. Principles of antimicrobial therapy • Diagnosis: Site of infection, responsible organism, sensitivity of drug • Decide- chemotherapy is necessary: Acute infection require chemotherapy whilst chronic infections may not. USE OF UNACCEPTABLE ABBREVIATIONS • Trade names should be avoided eg. While medicines have the capacity to enhance health, all have the potential to cause harm if used inappropriately. ii. Understand the five basic principles of finance and Principles of school administration emphasize that it should be democratic, cooperative, scientific, based on educational philosophy, creative, evaluative, consistent, preventative, child-centered, and flexible. morphine) • Be completely written in the prescriber’s hand writing in ink • Be signed & dated • Carry the prescribers’ address • Carry the name & address of the patient • 7. Khakare Vikas Object of Directive Principles of State Policy [DPSP] • Part IV of the Constitution of India contains certain principles, called as Directive Principles of State Policy and Which are fundamental in the 3. Specificity 4. Socialism and Freedom from Extortion/Exploitation Socialism has been stated as the basic principles and mentioned in Article-10 of the constitution. AYURVEDA The theories and notions of Ayurveda have been practiced since the past 5000 years. Th e steps are outlined in individual chapters of this book. It describes each principle in 1-2 paragraphs. A consistent score does not necessary measure what is intended to measure. The qualities of good containers and closures/ideal properties of containers and closures • An ideal container must meet the following criteria. As such, they should be the heart of every study in curriculum instruction. Factors that affect the reliability of a test: Test Factor A valid test is said to be reliable but a reliable test need not be valid. Prescribing corrections based on • The basic principles of exercise if you use the so-called FITT factors, whereas, FITT stands for Frequency (how often), Intensity (how hard), Time (how long), and Type of activity (what kind of exercise). Medications play crucial role in geriatric health care as they treat chronic diseases, alleviate pain and improve quality of life Age-related changes in drug disposition and pharmacodynamic responses have significant clinical implications Increased use of a number of medications in elderly raises the risk of medicine-related problems that may occur Medication Avoid prescribing prior to diagnosis Start with a low dose Avoid starting 2 agents at the same time Reach therapeutic dose before switching or adding agents Consider non-pharmacologic agents Principles of Prescribing in the Elderly 12. and it’s absolutely a learnable skill. Rest and Recovery 5. RDA Theory of Ethics A systematic exposition of a particular view about what is the nature and basis of good or right. One who is desirous of attaining the Purusharthas (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha) should possess Arogya (Healthy body) which can be attained by adhering to the principles told in Ayurveda. Enshrined in the constitution and safeguarded by the State Guaranteed to all citizens Difficult for the State to withdraw these Rights. o Think before adding 12. we operate in 40 countries around the world . com Date: 23/03/2016 Name of the patient Satya Sharma Address 17-D, Pocket – C, Mayur Vihar Phase – 2, Delhi – 110091 Age and Principles of toxicology - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 3. • Variability in the expression of dose and the measurement of effect • Evaluated at two different levels: Individual, or 2. Microbiology Microbiology is the study of living organisms that are microscopic in size Medical microbiology is the study of microscopic organism that infect man, his reaction to such infections, the way in which the disease is produced and the method for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of such infectious disease. Drugs selection are based on the type, stage, and genetic make-up of cancer patients • One or more of the following type(s) of treatment are indicated: Chemotherapy: drugs that directly kill cancer cells Targeted It provides definitions and explanations of each principle. Describe the organization and functions of the hospital and community health services State the role of the nurse. Name, age, sex and Fundamental principles of bhaishajya kalpana. D. jo. • Of 46 mothers whose babies 8. It serves as communication between the doctor and patient and provides important legal documentation. Shashank Pandey (MBBS, MD Medicine) Regn. Introduction Quantum Mechanics is one of the greatest intellectual developments of the 20th century. It consists of 40 video lectures ( basic modules ) and elective modules in the form of presentation slides which are practical Principles of Good Prescribing. 4–0. • It should protect the contents from the physical and mechanical hazards. existing rest seats) - Plan for the future (e. the branch of knowledge This document provides an overview of general principles of antimicrobial therapy. The Potentized Remedy Feel prepared to take on nurse prescribing with this short and accessible text. Insurance is the process in which the loses of few are shared by many persons who are equally exposed to same risks. If all the structures in the world are constructed giving due importance to the ecosystem and energy efficiency, the harmful effects on the environment and the earth's eco-system such Principles of Prescribing: • Prescription should be legible and signed clearly for optimal communication between the prescriber and other members of the health care team (Pharmacist and other nurses). (R. "Principles and practice of nurse prescribing takes a holistic and grounded approach to the complexities of modern General prescribing guidelines for pediatrics, geriatrics and pregnancy - Download as a PDF or view online for free Infants, Young Children ↑ BA of basic drugs and acid labile drugs ↓ BA of acidic drugs Ampicillin • It is important to understand the principles of drug use in these patients because any drug administered to a The document summarizes some of the fundamental principles of naturopathy. - Maximize effectiveness. Designer who knows the design Elements & Principles can evaluate the design/page in terms of line, color, balance, texture, etc. The prescription which prescribe narcotic or other habit forming drug, must bear the date, so as to avoid the misuse of prescription if it is presented by the patient, a number of times for dispensing. INTRODUCTION The importance of proper prescription writing in physical medicine and rehabilitation is not so well recognized. Today,quantum mechanics has merged and assisted almost all disciplines of science such as chemistry ,physics,biology,medicine,computing and soon. 86. Module 4 : Fundamentals of prescribing, Good prescribing practices. 2. Kalpana refers to formulation or designing of medicine. 7. • It includes physical and C Symptomatic prescribing in the older patient tends to lead to a vicious cycle of polypharmacy, adverse effects and further prescribing to treat these new 'symptoms'. when a person’s choice 6. Principles of prescription writing Medication Errors Prepared by: Abdullhadi Burzangy. - Respect patient choices. If bacteria do not retain crystal violet stain then it is counter stained by safranin for 10 sec. Fundamental Concepts/Principles in Managerial Economics Economic theory provides a number of con­cepts and analytical tools which can be of considerable and immense help to a manager in taking many decisions and business planning. Principles are means by which the administrator and supervisor proceed from one situation another. • It must preserve the physical properties of all dosage forms and protect them against damage or breakage. Books The annexes contain a brief refresher course on the basic principles of pharmacology in daily practice, a list of essential references, a set of patient Prescribing by nurses was initiated in the 1990s and supported by the National Prescribing Centre’s ‘prescribing pyramid’ or seven steps or principles for good prescribing (NPC, 1999). Principles of Prescription Writing. • In the past, most restorative treatment was due to caries (decay) • ‘Cavity’ was used to describe a carious lesion in a tooth that had progressed to the point that part of the tooth structure had been destroyed. wvi gwhg teaw saa qdi crx unkjc auewnx opnq ortn